Elevate Health
Hormone Optimization

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

  • As we age, our bodies naturally start to reduce the amount of hormones like testosterone and estrogen they produce.

  • Hormones such as these are incredibly important to how many areas of your body function – such as your brain, heart, bones, reproductive organs, and more.

  • When these hormones are out of balance, people can experience a number of different symptoms.

  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a method of restoring the balance of your hormones and aiming to relieve these symptoms, using compounded hormones that are identical in structure to those your body naturally produces. That way, your body recognizes and uses these replacement hormones in exactly the same way it would hormones it produces naturally.

The Biote Method of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • The Biote Method of hormone optimization is the result of condensing over 80 years of scientific research into a program that may help with the earliest signs of aging.

  • The Biote Method uses pellets, which are about the size of a grain of rice, for hormone optimization. Your provider at Elevate You inserts these tiny pellets under the skin during a simple, in-office procedure.

  • The pellets will then dissolve slowly over time – they only need to be re-administered approximately every 3-6 months, depending on the patient.

  • As the pellets dissolve, they release a steady stream of hormones into your bloodstream, and will ultimately be completely absorbed, leaving nothing behind.

The Importance of Hormone Balance

  • Most women see a significant drop in estrogen and testosterone during menopause, while many men may experience a similar phenomenon relating to testosterone, known as andropause.

  • Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream.

  • Hormones are important for regulating most major bodily processes. Because of their essential role in the body, even the smallest hormonal imbalance can cause side effects throughout the body.

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms for Women:

  • Fatigue*

  • Night sweats*

  • Hot flashes or flushes*

  • Decreased sex drive*

  • Weight gain*

  • Trouble sleeping*

  • Irritability*

  • Anxiousness*

  • Mood swings*

  • Low mood*

  • Discomfort during intercourse*

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms for Men:

  • Low sex drive*

  • Fatigue*

  • Loss of muscle mass*

  • Increased body fat (especially in the waist area) *

  • Decreased bone mass*

  • Mood changes*

  • Low mood*

  • Irritability*

  • Brain fog*

  • Elevated blood sugar*

  • Stress*

  • Anxiousness*

  • High cholesterol*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Get Started

  • Getting started with hormone optimization is easy!

  • Contact us at Elevate You today to discuss if you may be a good candidate for hormone optimization.

  • Call or text 620-872-7675 to schedule.

  • We will set you up for lab work and your hormone consult appointment.

  • Your Elevate You Biote Certified Provider will review your lab results with you at that appointment and develop a personalized care plan based on your results and health goals.

  • You may choose to pellet the same day of the appointment!

  • Most people see results after their first round of pellets, however it many take up to two pellet insertions before experiencing their desired results. 

Call or Text us Today!
